Marketing, student recruitment
Consider outsourcing Marketing & Student Recruitment
Student Recruitment and Retention Strategies
It’s that time of year again. Time to think about next year’s enrollment. Time to think about engaging parents. Time to think about how to spread the message about your school. But this time you wonder if you can enhance your school’s “brand” in your community.It’s time to create the outreach that will ensure that parents see your school as a good choice for them and their children.
Enhance your recruitment campaign
It is not enough to use traditional approaches to build a stable and engaged community of followers and prospective parents. Brochures, open houses and the recruitment barbecue will go only so far in these days of video-on-demand, social media, online traffic analytics and online applications .
Ed Inquiry specializes in detailed and comprehensive market analysis for our client schools. We analyze the community, competitor schools, the local support, the authorizer and the choices parents make for their children. Our professionals know media, marketing, branding and schools.
Social Media Outreach
Is there a story to be told that is best communicated with a multiple pronged approach. Using video strengthens those parental outreach meetings and gives the school a predictable image that can communicate a compelling story. Video is not enough. But it can make the impression you need to the market you want.
Campaigns need to be aligned with the culture of the school and community
What do school leaders need?
- professionals that understand school culture
- professionals that understand how to reach prospective parents
- professionals that know how to design and execute a recruitment campaign
- professionals that can be responsible for ensuring schools make their recruitment numbers